Use "eiffel tower" in a sentence

1. His personal hero was Reichfelt, the patriot airman who threw himself off the Eiffel Tower in 1909.

Sein persönlicher Held war Reichfelt, der patriotische Flieger, der sich 1909 vom Eiffelturm stürzte.

2. Musicus called his work Sky Lists and dedicated it to Van Riquardt, the French patriot and pioneer airman who threw himself from the Eiffel Tower in

Musicus nannte seine Arbeit Himmelslisten und widmete sie Van Riquardt, dem Luftfahrt- Pionier, der sich # vom Eiffelturm stürzte

3. Just a few minutes away from the Eiffel Tower and the heart of Paris as well as the Exhibition centre of Porte de Versailles, the HOTEL ALYSS Saphir Cambronne Eiffel** is conveniently located.

Willkommen in einem komfortablen und raffinierten Hotel! Das HOTEL ALYSS Saphir Cambronne Eiffel** liegt ideal im Stadtviertel vom Champ de Mars, nahe am Eiffelturm und in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Ausstellungspark der Porte de Versailles.

4. He knew that the man who threw himself off the Eiffel tower in April 1911 was not the patriot airman Nathan Isole Dermontier, nor the Welsh baritone called Van Riquardt, but was an Austrian clothing manufacturer called Reichelt testing a parachute-coat of his own design.

Er wusste, dass der Mann, der sich im April 1911 vom Eiffelturm gestürzt hatte, nicht der Patriot Nathan Isole Dermontier war, auch nicht der walisische Bariton Van Richardt, sondern ein österreichischer Textilhersteller namens Reichelt, der einen Fallschirmmantel eigenen Entwurfs testete.

5. The Adagio Tour Eiffel is a good location (2-3 blocks from Metro) to stay in Paris (15th arrondisement but right near the border of the 7th).The apartment layout (#1614) was comfortable altho' a bit of attention could be paid to spruce up the rooms. We enjoyed our view of the Eiffel Tower as we went in February when it gets dark out at about 5:30 pm.

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