Use "devon" in a sentence

1. His monument survives in Exeter Cathedral.In the later 19th century, the house was occupied by Alfred Robert Hole (1815-1898), Justice of the Peace for Devon and Major, 13th Hussars, North Devon Yeomanry.

Im späteren 19. Jahrhundert wohnte Alfred Robert Hole (1815–1898) in dem Herrenhaus, der Friedensrichter von Devon und Major des 13. Husarenregiments, North Devon Yeomanry.

2. These aircraft land on a dirt airstrip located on Devon Island near the station.

Diese Flugzeuge landen auf einer unbefestigten Landebahn auf Devon Island in der Nähe der Station.

3. In 1187 a William de Botreaux gave the advowsons of the churches in his manors of Molland and Knowstone in Devon, and of the church of Forrabury in his Cornish manor of Boscastle, to the Abbey.

1187 gab ein William de Botreaux die Kirchenpatronate in seinen Grundherrschaften von Molland und Knowstone in Devon sowie das in Forrabury in Cornwall an die Abtei.