Use "dehydrogenating" in a sentence

1. Using cytochemical methods the influence of various concentrations of aflatoxin B1 (100 ppm 10 ppm, 0 ppm) on the enzymes succinic dehydrogenase, L(+)-lactate: NAD oxidoreductase, alcohol dehydrogenase, L-isocitrate: NAD oxidoreductase, malate dehydrogenating enzyme (NAD as acceptor), NADPH2: cytochrome reductase, cytochrome oxidase and acid phosphatase of the fungusMucor hiemalis was investigated.

Mit Hilfe cytochemischer Methoden wurde der Einfluß verschiedener Konzentrationen von Aflatoxin B1 (100 ppm, 10 ppm, 0 ppm) auf die Enzyme Succinat-Dehydrogenase, L (+)-Lactat: NAD-Oxydoreduktase, Alkohol-Dehydrogenase, L-Isocitrat: NAD-Oxydoreduktase, Malat dehydrierendes Enzym (NAD als Akzeptor), NADPH2-Cytochrom c-Reduktase, Cytochromoxydase und saure Phosphatase des PilzesMucor hiemalis untersucht.