Use "dart" in a sentence

1. (2004) A new poison-dart frog (Dendrobates) from northern central Guyana (Amphibia: Anura: Dendrobatidae). – Salamandra, 40(2): 99-104. [for Dendrobates nubeculosus]

(2004) A new poison-dart frog (Dendrobates) from northern central Guyana (Amphibia: Anura: Dendrobatidae). — Salamandra, 40(2): 99-104. [für Dendrobates nubeculosus]

2. I possess a few records of original LLFB because Dart was an intimate friend of my friend, Amiga Manson, extraordinary musician, who now has a synth-pop band called "Sequence".

Ich besitze einige Datensätze der ursprünglichen LLFB Dart, da war ein enger Freund meines Freundes, Amiga Manson, außergewöhnlicher Musiker, der jetzt ein Synth-Pop-Band namens "Sequence".