Use "censors" in a sentence

1. Then reform-minded intellectuals like Cao Siyuan began to be trailed by Public Security Bureau goons, and members attending a conferences on legal reform organized by Cao were admonished by the Propaganda Department (China's censors) to stop discussing the "three unmentionables," (political reform, constitutional revision, and reversing the verdicts on historical incidents).

Danach waren reformorientierten Intellektuellen wie Cao Siyuan Schläger des Büros für öffentliche Sicherheit auf den Fersen und Teilnehmer an einer von Cao organisierten Konferenz über Gesetzesreformen, wurden von der Propagandaabteilung (Chinas Zensoren) ermahnt, nicht weiter über die "drei Unaussprechlichen" (politische Reform, Verfassungsänderung und eine Aufhebung von Urteilen historischer Vorfälle) zu diskutieren.

2. Therefore the Aediles would have been in some cooperation with the current Censors, who had similar or related duties. Also they oversaw the organization of festivals and games (ludi), which made this a very sought after office for a career minded politician of the late republic, as it was a good means of gaining popularity by staging spectacles.

zwischen zwei Ämtern ein ämterloser Zeitraum von zwei Jahren liegen musste ( Bienniat ).