Use "blossoms" in a sentence

1. Chamomile Tea, Thyme Tea, Peppermint Tea, Acacia blossoms Tea, Fennel Tea,Yarrow Tea, St.Johns wort Tea, Lemon balm Tea, Bear berry Tea, Elder blossoms Tea, Rosehip Tea, Linden blossoms Tea, Alder buckthorn Tea, Nettle Tea, Wild majoram Tea, Senna Tea, Hibiscus Tea.

Kamille Tee, Thymiann Tee, Pfefferminze Tee, Akazie Tee, Fenchel Tee, Schafgarbe Tee, Johanniskraut Tee, Melisse Tee, Bärentraube Tee, Holunderblüten Tee, Hagebute Tee, Lindenblüten Tee, Faulbaum Tee, Brennessel Tee, Wilder Dost Tee, Senna Tee, Hibiscus Tee.

2. There he compares the white hair of old age to ‘the almond tree that carries blossoms.’

Dort vergleicht er das weiße Haar im Alter mit dem Mandelbaum, der Blüten trägt.

3. Let yourself be tempted by the beauty of our Abloom-Tea which is unique in the world in its individuality and exclusivness. Jasmine, Lilly and other fine blossoms turn this Abloom-Tea with its delicate taste into a unique work of art which, by its exciting infusion ceremony , turns every tea-time into an event.

Begleiten Sie uns in die wundervolle Welt des Erblüh-Tees.