Use "bird of prey" in a sentence

1. I can't make head nor tail of the power-relay systems on his bird-of-prey.

Ich blicke bei seinen Energiesystemen nicht durch.

2. Three months later, Kor, Koloth, and Kang, with the aid of [[Jadzia Dax]], prepared their attack on the Albino's compound, only to discover that it was a trap. Using the element of surprise, they bombarded the compound with [[tetryon]] [[particle]]s from [[Kang's Bird-of-Prey]], forcing the Albino and his sentries into face-to-face, hand-to-hand combat.

Seine [[deutsch]]e [[Liste der Synchronsprecher|Stimme]] erhielt er von: [[Klaus Guth]] ([[TOS]] / [[VOY]]) und [[Hermann Ebeling]] ([[DS9]]).