Use "apple trees" in a sentence

1. Apple trees grow best at an altitude of between # and # metres and there is a precise correlation between the taste of an apple and the altitude at which it is grown, altitude mitigating the higher temperatures that often inhibit the development of aromatic substances and anthocyanins

Es besteht eine genau zu bestimmende Verbindung zwischen den Geschmackseigenschaften eines Apfels und der Höhe, die den Einfluss der höchsten Temperaturen mäßigt, die häufig für eine gehemmte Entwicklung der Aromastoffe und der Anthocyan-Pigmente verantwortlich sind

2. The gooseberry in the south of England will grow well in cool situations, and may be sometimes seen in gardens near London flourishing under the partial shade of apple trees; but in the north it needs full exposure to the sun to bring the fruit to perfection. It will succeed in almost any soil, but prefers a rich loam or black alluvium, and, though naturally a plant of rather dry places, will do well in moist land, if drained.

Sie enthalten im rohen Zustand sehr viel Vitamin C. Die Reifezeit ist von Juni bis August.