Use "amos keinan" in a sentence

1. (Isaiah 9:10; Amos 5:11) However, in the lowlands, sun-dried or kiln-baked mud bricks were used for the walls of dwellings.

In den Niederungen jedoch verwendete man für die Mauern der Wohnhäuser sonnengetrocknete oder auch gebrannte Lehmziegel.

2. As proof that this had been foretold, James then quoted a prophecy in the book of Amos in which Jehovah’s name appears. —Ac 15:2, 12-14; Am 9:11, 12.

Zum Beweis, daß dies vorhergesagt worden war, zitierte Jakobus dann aus einer Prophezeiung des Buches Amos, in der Jehovas Name zweimal vorkommt (Apg 15:2, 12-14; Am 9:11, 12).

3. Synth player Robin Amos, who now plays the keys for Cul De Sac, takes on the Allen Ravestine role, bleeding formless clouds of electronics all over bassist George Condo and guitarist Mark Dagley's misshapen riffs. There are some great straightahead blasts of snot, like the 50 second "Just Got Back", but generally The Girls cut their riffs with plenty of tight power-pop hooks and an Anglophile's taste for flowery melodies.

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