Use "adenomata" in a sentence

1. The ratio of chromophobe to acidophile adenomata is thus 6.3∶1.

Das Verhältnis der chromophoben zu den acidophilen Adenomen war also 6,3∶1.

2. Whereas the eosinophilic tubuli are the precursors of oxyphilic adenomata, the glycogen storing tubuli are obviously the precursors of “hypernephroid” and basophilic adenomata.

Während aus den eosinophilen Tubuli oxyphile Adenome hervorgehen, sind die glykogenspeichernden Tubuli offenbar Vorstadien „hypernephroider“ und basophiler Adenome.

3. The histologic adenoma-types encountered were: chromophobe, 88; acidophile, 14, of which 6 were pure acidophile and 8 were “mixed adenomata”; and 3 adenocarcinomata.

Es wurden chromophobe Adenome in 88 Fällen, acidophile in 14 Fällen (wovon 6 rein acidophile und 8 „gemischtzellige“ Adenome waren) und Adenokarzinome in 3 Fällen angetroffen.