Use "senior" in a sentence

1. Senior Military Advisor

Senior Military Advisor

2. Was ist mit Debra Hayes, Senior Director Seewirtschaft?

What about Deborah Hayes, senior director of accounting, maritime sales.

3. Thomas Koschitzki ist Senior Portfolio Manager bei Assenagon und managt in dieser Funktion den Fonds Assenagon Vermögensbildung Accretion.

Thomas Koschitzki is Senior Portfolio Manager at Assenagon. In this function he manages the fund Assenagon Vermögensbildung Accretion.

4. Die Senior Add-on Facility wird im März 2013 fällig und ist mit EURIBOR + 325 Basispunkte verzinst.

The Senior Add-on Facility matures in March 2013 and carries a coupon of EURIBOR + 325bps.

5. 2002 erhielt er den Senior Berwick Prize 1998 war er Invited Speaker auf dem Internationalen Mathematikerkongress in Berlin (The abelian defect group conjecture).

In 2002, he received the Senior Berwick Prize , received an Invited Speaker at the Mathematician Congress in Berlin (The abelian defect group conjecture).

6. 1942 spielte sie mit dem Akkordeonisten John Serry senior in der Town Hall, New York City, USA in Aufführungen von Gedichten des amerikanischen Dichters Carl Sandburg.

In 1942 she appeared with the accordionist John Serry Sr. in a performance of works by the poet Carl Sandburg at New York City's Town Hall.

7. Alumnus William M. Holt, ein Senior Vice-President von Intel, erklärte in seiner Rede „R&D to Deliver Practical Results: Extending Moore's Law“ vor Studenten am 27. September 2007 ebenfalls, dass Intel mehr Doktoranden der University of Illinois einstellt, als von jeder anderen US-Universität.

Alumnus William M. Holt, a Senior Vice-President of Intel, also mentioned in a campus talk on September 27, 2007, entitled "R&D to Deliver Practical Results: Extending Moore's Law" that Intel hires more PhD graduates from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign than from any other university in the country.