sterrenwacht in French

sterrenwacht [stɛrəwɑxt] observatoire

Sentence patterns related to "sterrenwacht"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sterrenwacht" from the Dutch - French Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sterrenwacht", or refer to the context using the word "sterrenwacht" in the Dutch - French Dictionary.

1. Uiteindelijk, in 1930, ontdekte Clyde Tombaugh in Lowells sterrenwacht de planeet Pluto.

2. Het Lowell-observatorium (Engels: Lowell Observatory) is een Amerikaanse sterrenwacht in Flagstaff, Arizona.

3. Zijn speurtocht naar Planeet X begon in 1905 in zijn sterrenwacht in Flagstaff (Arizona).