ກຳໄລ in Vietnamese

ກຳໄລ1 I. ຄ. lãi, lời. ເງິນກຳໄລ:Tiền lãi.II. ນ. lợi tức, lợi nhuận. ເງິນກຳໄລສະເລ່ຍ:Lợi nhuận bình quân ♦ ກຳໄລສຸດຂີດ:Lợi nhuận tối đa ♦ ກຳໄລເໜືອຂີດ:Siêu lợi nhuận.

ກຳໄລ2ນ. vòng, kiềng, lắc. ກຳໄລປະດັບເພັດ:Vòng tay gắn kim cương.

Use "ກຳໄລ" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ກຳໄລ" from the Lao - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ກຳໄລ", or refer to the context using the word "ກຳໄລ" in the Lao - Vietnamese.