관상질환집중치료병동 관상질환감시병실 in Korean

Coronary Care Unit 세부설명 : 중증 심장질환환자의 상시 관찰과 구급처치에 필요한 모든 설비를 갖춘 소수의 방이 있는 특별히 고안된 병원구역.

Use "관상질환집중치료병동 관상질환감시병실" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "관상질환집중치료병동 관상질환감시병실" from the Korean Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "관상질환집중치료병동 관상질환감시병실", or refer to the context using the word "관상질환집중치료병동 관상질환감시병실" in the Korean Medical Dictionary.