착륙장치 in English

noun - 착륙장치
landing gear: 착륙장치, 착수장치

Sentence patterns related to "착륙장치"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "착륙장치" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "착륙장치", or refer to the context using the word "착륙장치" in the Korean - English.

1. 1973년 10월 15일, 로열네팔항공의 DHC-6트윈오터-300 등록번호 9N-ABG기가 착륙후, 강착장치(착륙장치, 랜딩기어)가 복원안될정도로 파손되었다.