식료 잡화류 in English

[siglyo jabhwalyu]
noun - 식료 잡화류
groceries: 식료 잡화류
grocery: 잡화, 식료 잡화류, 식료 잡화 판매업, 식료품점

Sentence patterns related to "식료 잡화류"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "식료 잡화류" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "식료 잡화류", or refer to the context using the word "식료 잡화류" in the Korean - English.

1. ‘버터’와 달걀의 물물교환과 신선한 유지나 여분의 쇠고기나 돼지고기의 판매는 항상 식료 잡화류 청구서를 상쇄시키기에는 충분한 듯이 보였다.

The exchange of butter and eggs and the sale of fresh cream or the odd carcass of beef or pork always seemed to be ample to offset the grocery bill.