쇠퇴기 in English

noun - 쇠퇴기
ebb tide: 썰물, 쇠퇴, 쇠퇴기

Sentence patterns related to "쇠퇴기"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "쇠퇴기" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "쇠퇴기", or refer to the context using the word "쇠퇴기" in the Korean - English.

1. 이 모형은 이를 구성하는 순서에 따라 흥분기(Excitement phase), 고조기(Plateau phase), 절정기(Orgasmic phase), 쇠퇴기(Resolution phase)의 단계로 나뉜다.