불멸화 in English

noun - 불멸화
immortalization: 불멸화

Sentence patterns related to "불멸화"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "불멸화" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "불멸화", or refer to the context using the word "불멸화" in the Korean - English.

1. 신체의 간세포(幹細胞)(신체 조직의 재생을 담당하는 세포)들을, 활동성 텔로메라제의 작용으로 “불멸화”한 간세포들로 대치해 보면 어떻겠습니까?

What about replacing the body’s stem cells (cells that provide for the regeneration of body tissue) with stem cells that have been “immortalized” with active telomerase?