부패하기 쉬운 in English

[bupaehagi swiun]
adjective - 부패하기 쉬운
perishable: 부패하기 쉬운

Sentence patterns related to "부패하기 쉬운"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "부패하기 쉬운" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "부패하기 쉬운", or refer to the context using the word "부패하기 쉬운" in the Korean - English.

1. (탈출 3:8) 금속과 돌로 만든 고대 유물은 많이 있지만, 옷, 가죽, 방부 처리된 시체와 같이 부패하기 쉬운 것들은 대부분 습기와 세월의 흐름을 이겨 내지 못하였습니다.

(Exodus 3:8) Ancient metal and stone objects abound, but most of the more fragile items, such as cloth, leather, and embalmed bodies, have not withstood moisture and the vicissitudes of time.