in English

noun - 멋
taste: 미각, 취미, 멋, 운치, 입, 식성
smartness: 멋, 세련됨, 기민, 쓰림
sapidity: 맛, 멋

Sentence patterns related to ""

Below are sample sentences containing the word "멋" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "멋", or refer to the context using the word "멋" in the Korean - English.

1. 23 단지 내기에 불과한가?

2. 어밀리아 패트는 저서 「보수적인 」(Conservative Chic)에서 이렇게 기술한다. “보수적인 옷은 액세서리를 달기가 더 쉽고, 다음해에도 입기가 더 쉬우며, 더 나은 투자가 된다.”

In her book Conservative Chic, Amelia Fatt notes: “Conservative clothing is easier to accessorize, easier to add to next year, a better investment.”