담배꽁초 in English

noun - 담배꽁초
cigarette butt: 담배꽁초
curbstone: 연석, 담배꽁초
kerbstone: 연석, 보도의 연석, 담배꽁초

Sentence patterns related to "담배꽁초"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "담배꽁초" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "담배꽁초", or refer to the context using the word "담배꽁초" in the Korean - English.

1. 응답자의 68퍼센트는 “사람들이 담배꽁초, 껌, 음료수 캔 등을 아무데나 버리는” 일이라고 하였다.