낟알 in English

noun - 낟알
grain: 곡물, 그레인, 낟알, 조직, 은면, 극미량
corn: 옥수수, 곡물, 티눈, 밀, 낟알, 곡초

Sentence patterns related to "낟알"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "낟알" from the Korean - English. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "낟알", or refer to the context using the word "낟알" in the Korean - English.

1. 자갈보다는 작지만 실트보다는 굵은 입자로 이루어진 낟알 모양의 물질.

A loose granular material that consists of particles smaller than gravel but coarser than silt.

2. 낟알 약 반 ‘컵’과 식용유(‘버터’는 타기 쉽다) 큰 술 3이면 4‘쿼어트’(약 2되)용 튀김 그릇에 한 가득 찬다.

About one half cup of kernels with three tablespoons of oil (butter will burn) will fill a four-quart popper heaping full.