諧謔 in Vietnamese

Kana: かいぎゃく *n

  • nói đùa; bỡn cợt; sự giễu cợt; sự hài hước

Sentence patterns related to "諧謔"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "諧謔" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "諧謔", or refer to the context using the word "諧謔" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 季語(きご)とは、連歌、俳諧、俳句において用いられる特定の季節を表す言葉を言う。

2. 一昼夜の間に発句をつくる数を競う矢数俳諧の創始を誇り、またそれを得意とした(最高記録は23,500句)。

3. そのほか、俳諧用語辞書を含む『世話尽』、語源辞書『日本釈名』、俗語辞書『志布可起(しぶがき)』、枕詞辞書『冠辞考』なども編纂された。