英霊 in Vietnamese

Kana: えいれい *n

  • linh hồn người chết; anh linh chiến sĩ; người đàn ông vĩ đại

Sentence patterns related to "英霊"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "英霊" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "英霊", or refer to the context using the word "英霊" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 英霊(えいれい)とは、死者、特に戦死者の霊を敬っていう語。

2. 本来の聖杯戦争は西洋でしかれたシステムなため、西洋の英霊(一部例外もある)しか呼び出せないが、今回の聖杯戦争はムーンセルによって行われた物なので、東洋の英霊の召喚が可能となっている。