in Vietnamese

Kana: うば *n

  • elderly woman
  • noh mask of an old woma

Sentence patterns related to ""

Below are sample sentences containing the word "姥" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "姥", or refer to the context using the word "姥" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 」” 古語拾遺“于時,天祖天照大神、高皇產靈尊,乃相語曰:「夫,葦原瑞穗國者,吾子孫可王之地.皇孫就而治焉.寶祚之隆,當與天壤無窮矣.」即以八咫鏡及草薙劍二種神寶,授賜皇孫,永為天璽.矛、玉自從.即,敕曰:「吾兒視此寶鏡,當猶視吾.可與同床共殿,以為齋鏡.仍,以天兒屋命、太玉命、天鈿女命,使配侍焉.」” 日本書紀 卷第二 神代“故天照大神乃賜天津彥彥火瓊瓊杵尊,八阪瓊曲玉及八咫鏡、草薙劍,三種寶物.又以中臣上祖-天兒屋命、忌部上祖-太玉命、猿女上祖-天鈿女命、鏡作上祖-石凝命、玉作上祖-玉屋命,凡五部神使配侍焉.因敕皇孫曰:「葦原千五百秋之瑞穗國,是吾子孫可王之地也,宜爾王孫就而治焉!