仰望 in Vietnamese

Kana: ぎょうぼう *n, vs

  • sự tôn kính; lòng sùng kính, lòng kính trọng, tôn kính; sùng kính, kính trọng

Sentence patterns related to "仰望"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "仰望" from the Japanese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "仰望", or refer to the context using the word "仰望" in the Japanese - Vietnamese.

1. 15如同所有仰望那蛇的人得以a活着一样,凡怀着痛悔之灵,用信心仰望神儿子的,也得以b活着,得到永恒的生命。

2. 36在每个思想上都要a仰望我;不要怀疑,不要惧怕。

3. 22这是我的永约:当你们的子孙拥抱真理并仰望时,锡安必俯视,诸天必因高兴而震动,大地必因喜乐而摇撼,

4. 1–6,主田里的工作者获得救恩;7–13,没有比救恩更大的恩赐;14–27,借着灵的力量获得真理的见证;28–37,仰望基督,不断行善。