tuyauter in Vietnamese

* ngoại động từ
- xếp nếp ống
=Tuyauter un jupon+ xếp nếp ống một cái váy
- (thân mật) cung cấp chỉ dẫn riêng cho; bày mưu mẹo giúp
=Tuyauter un ami sur une affaire+ bày mưu mẹo giúp một người bạn về việc kinh doanh

Sentence patterns related to "tuyauter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tuyauter" from the French - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tuyauter", or refer to the context using the word "tuyauter" in the French - Vietnamese.

1. Vente en gros et au détail de couteaux à découper, Découpoirs [outils], Produits de taillanderie, Tournevis, Étaux, Serre-joints, Tisonniers, Faux, Chasses (outils), Faucilles, Guillaumes, Spatules, Broches de serrage, Tendeurs de fils et bandes métalliques, Bêches, Pics [outils], Pics, Burins pointus, épissoirs, pilons, Casse-pierres, Ciseaux à boucharde, Boutoirs, Bisaiguës, Vérins, Instruments agricoles entraînés manuellement, Fouloirs, Fers à tuyauter, Outillage, Instruments agricoles entraînés manuellement