négateur in Vietnamese

tính từ
- phủ định
=Esprit négateur+ óc phủ định
danh từ giống đực
- người phủ định, người hay phủ định

Sentence patterns related to "négateur"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "négateur" from the French - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "négateur", or refer to the context using the word "négateur" in the French - Vietnamese.

1. La négation préverbale est ul (localement un, il), le négateur postverbal est ša (Igli, Mazzer) / šay (Figuig, Iche, Moghrar) / iš (Boussemghoun, Ain Chair), à la fois avec les deux derniers apparaissant comme allomorphes à Tiout.