zero-rate goods in Vietnamese

@Zero-rate goods
- (Econ) Các hàng hoá có mức thuế bằng 0.

Sentence patterns related to "zero-rate goods"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "zero-rate goods" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "zero-rate goods", or refer to the context using the word "zero-rate goods" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The zero-rate is a positive rate of tax calculated at 0%.

Mức thuế không phần trăm là một mức thuế dương được tính với tỉ lệ 0%.

2. It strives for a mutation rate of zero.

3. Bangladeshi goods now enjoy zero duty access to the Indian market.

4. Ideally, we would like achieve an accident rate of zero.

5. Beginning from a zero rate, a small increase in the tax rate will yield some tax revenue.

6. But the zero nominal interest rate bound prevented them from doing so.

7. The BOJ also left its key interest rate unchanged from zero to 0.1 % .

BOJ cũng để lãi suất cơ bản không đổi từ 0 đến 0.1% .

8. 07/2018 Customs Permit required for Removal of Goods from Licensed and Zero-GST Warehouses

9. If the cross-price elasticity is zero, no demand relationship exists between the two goods.

10. Flat rate farmers will be able to charge the flat rate addition when selling zero-rated agricultural produce to VAT-registered traders.

11. Today an inflation rate of close to zero is the accepted goal of US policy.

12. A duty liability of 11% was therefore applicable, and not the preferential zero rate actually claimed.

13. I had zero minutes of exercise yesterday, so my maximum heart rate during exercise wasn't calculated.

14. In effect, we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate.

15. It is introduced that after the reformation of fixed exchange rate system, zero-average reserve requirement system is practiced based on zero-average settlement balance in Mexico.

16. Thus, the "economic effect" of a 100% tax rate is to decrease the tax base to zero.

Vì thế, "hiệu ứng kinh tế" của thuế suất 100% là giảm cơ sở tính thuế xuống bằng 0.

17. Customs duty shall be charged at the flat rate of # % ad valorem on goods

18. Flat rate farmers will have to issue invoices for all supplies of goods and services where the flat rate addition is added.

19. Bottleneck is a lightweight and zero-dependency Task Scheduler and Rate Limiter for Node.js and the browser

20. We have reduced the suicide rate to practically zero among inmates in some institutions for the criminally insane.

21. It cut its key benchmark rate from 1 % to 0.75 % , a record low for the eurozone , and also cut its deposit rate , from 0.25 % to zero .

Ngân hàng đã cắt giảm lãi suất cơ bản chủ chốt từ 1% xuống 0,75% , mức thấp kỷ lục đối với khu vực đồng Euro , và đồng thời cắt giảm lãi suất tiền gửi , từ 0,25% xuống 0 .

22. These Member States have been granted a derogation to continue existing zero-rating but cannot add new goods or services.

23. Since according to time preference theory people prefer goods now to goods later, in a free market there will be a positive interest rate.

Theo thuyết ưu tiên thời gian thì mọi người thích hàng hóa hiện nay hơn là hàng hoá về sau, vì thế trong một thị trường tự do sẽ có một lãi suất dương.

24. All charges are subject to the Canadian Goods and Services Tax at the current rate.

25. When Agenda 2000 comes into place, the supposition is that the set-aside rate should fall to zero.