written statement in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "written statement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "written statement" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "written statement", or refer to the context using the word "written statement" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. My client stands by her written statement, sir.

Thân chủ của tôi vẫn kiên định như trong tờ khai.

2. The written statement must accompany the audio or videotape.

3. An Affidavit is a written statement that has been notarized

4. An “Affidavit” is a written statement that is considered made under oath

5. An employee wanting a written statement may request one verbally or in writing.

6. She has accounted for them, Mr. Chairman, in her written statement to this committee.

Cô ấy đã giải thích rồi, thưa Chủ tịch bằng việc ghi trong tờ khai nộp cho ủy ban này.

7. The resulting income statement, Exhibit is essentially a written statement of the closing process.

8. It is the responsibility of the Adjudicator to prepare a written statement that identifies

9. Affidavits are used to legally swear that any written statement or fact is true

10. On your appointment you will be issued with a written statement of particulars of employment.

11. What is an Affidavit? An Affidavit is a written statement prepared by a party or witness

12. Whatever it’s being used for, an Affidavit is always a written statement of fact that an individual

13. In a written statement, the Navy said the sailor was inebriated when he returned to the ship.

14. “Browbeated” [sic] during the interview and that his written statement used the officer’s words, not his own words

15. The Tribunal ruled that this witness was adverse in interest, because his written statement contradicted statement made under oath.

16. As a result of that interview and a subsequent written statement explaining our neutral position, no further action was taken.

17. A mortgage pre-Approval is a written statement from a lender that signifies a home-buyers qualification for a specific home loan

18. A collecting policy is a written statement that, in accordance with your mission statement, guides the Acquisition of records by your historical records repository

19. An Affirmation is a written statement of fact verified by the solemn and sincere Affirmation of the maker as an alternative to an affidavit

20. A written statement of facts, made voluntarily by an Affiant under an oath or affirmation administered by a notary public or other officer who

21. Any oral or written statement or report made by an inspector or any other person in an investigation under this Part has absolute privilege.

22. Address definition, a speech or written statement, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons: the president's Address on the state of the economy

23. Contents: A written statement of facts voluntarily made by an affiant under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law

24. An Affidavit is a written statement of facts that is voluntarily made by an affiant under by oath and it is used as a piece of evidence at court

25. But first, the campaign wanted Trump to release an official written statement renouncing Birther conspiracy theories and declaring once and for all that baby Barack was born in the United States.

26. On August 18, 2011, several months after the start of the Syrian Civil War, Obama issued a written statement that said: "The time has come for President Assad to step aside."

Ngày 18 tháng 10 năm 2011, trong giai đoạn đầu của cuộc nội chiến, Obama dõng dạc tuyên bố “Assad phải ra đi”, vì chính nghĩa của người dân Syria.

27. Affidavits Home > Affidavits In some cases, you may sign and upload a written statement using one of these Affidavits for different situations including: If you have no income, or income from self-employment.

28. By Asterisking (*) them to a footnote that states the items are served raw or undercooked, or contain raw or undercooked ingredients written information request” Reminder is a written statement concerning the health risk of consuming raw or undercooked animal foods

29. Derived foods by Asterisking (*) them to a footnote that states the items are served raw or undercooked, or con-tain raw or undercooked in-gredients Reminder is a written statement concerning the health risk of con-suming animal foods raw, or un-dercooked

30. The definition of an Addressee is the intended recipient of something or the person to whom a verbal or written statement is to be delivered. An example of the word Addressee is the name on a piece of mail showing who should receive the mail.

31. The Abdication was announced on 9 November by Prince Maximilian of Baden and was formally enacted by Wilhelm's written statement on 28 November, made while in exile in Amerongen, the Netherlands.This ended the House of Hohenzollern's 500-year rule over Prussia and its predecessor state, Brandenburg.

32. This written statement must include the following: (i) complete name of and administrative details of the complainant; (ii) a summary of the nature of the grievance; (iii) an explanation of why the complainant feels this situation has arisen; and (iv) an explanation of what the complainant wants the panel to accomplish.

33. Pursuant to recital 32 of Regulation 2016/679, consent should be given by a clear affirmative act establishing a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her, such as by a written statement, including by electronic means, or an oral statement.

34. Advertisement (n.) early 15c., "written statement calling attention to (something), public notice" (of anything, but often of a sale); from Old French avertissement (15c., later respelled pedantically as advertissement, a change rejected in French but accepted in English), from stem of avertir "to turn, direct, make aware" (see advertise).Meaning "public notice (usually paid) in a newspaper or

35. Article 69 Time limit and form Notice of appeal shall be filed in writing at the Office within two months of the service of the decision where addressed to the appealing person, or, in the absence thereof, within two months of the publication of the decision, and a written statement setting out the grounds of appeal shall be filed within four months after the aforesaid service or publication.