without external debt in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-không có nợ nước ngoài

Sentence patterns related to "without external debt"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "without external debt" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "without external debt", or refer to the context using the word "without external debt" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Arrears were accumulated on external debt service.

2. The external debt burden, including accumulated arrears, is unsustainable.

3. Since 2008 the club have had no external debt.

Kể từ năm 2008 câu lạc bộ không còn khoản nợ nào bên ngoài.

4. - External debt remains sustainable because of high current account surplus, but domestic debt is rising fast.

o Nợ nước ngoài vẫn bền vững vì thặng dư cán cân vãng lai ở mức cao, nhưng nợ trong nước đang gia tăng.

5. What is the relationship between Africa’s total external debt stocks, and the actual amount of debt serviced?

6. Can debt be piled on top of debt without someday causing harsh consequences?

7. Debt for equity conversion and non-accrual of interest on bank debt (without SID)

8. Deteriorating terms of trade adversely affect the balance of payments, exacerbating external debt.

9. Data were now available on public external debt and on the actual repayment period.

10. According to the CIA World Factbook, Norway is a net external creditor of debt.

Theo CIA World Factbook, Na Uy là chủ nợ nước ngoài ròng.

11. Her spending without restraint ran him heavily in debt.

12. This allowed the government to repay its external debt, earning it international economic prestige.

13. Poor without debt is better than a prince. 

14. As a result, new domestic (salaries of public servants) and external (debt) arrearages have accumulated.

15. External debt totaled about US$3.4 billion in 2004, low compared to most Latin American countries.

Nợ bên ngoài tổng cộng khoảng 3,4 tỷ đô la Mỹ trong năm 2004, ở mức thấp so với hầu hết các nước châu Mỹ Latinh.

16. One important challenge is to reduce external debt with respect to bilateral agencies and to certain countries

17. The economy had been stagnating since the 1960s and the country had accumulated a huge external debt.

18. In general, West Asian countries maintain low or modest external debt stocks and accumulated substantial foreign assets.

19. Many return to families crippled by debt from months without a breadwinner.

20. Thus, the form of debt a firm chooses can act as a signal of its need for external finance.

Như vậy, hình thức nợ một công ty lựa chọn có thể hành động như là một tín hiệu của nhu cầu tài chính bên ngoài.

21. The investors said GM could not force the transfer of the secured debt without the agreement of all the holders of that debt.

22. Defaulting debtors are subject to debt collecting procedures launched by the Legal Service with the help of external law firms.

23. Defaulting debtors are subject to debt collecting procedures launched by the Legal Service with the help of external law firms

24. With sensor fusion, it does absolute position tracking, all without external transmitters or transceivers.

25. Consent is an agreement that is willfully given without any external pressure or factors