witch-hunt in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- sự lùng tìm và diệt những người nghi là phù thủy
- <bóng> cuộc điều tra để khủng bố những người không theo chính phái, cuộc điều tra để khủng bố những người có quan điểm không phổ biế

Sentence patterns related to "witch-hunt"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "witch-hunt" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "witch-hunt", or refer to the context using the word "witch-hunt" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. My father is the victim of a witch hunt.

Bố tôi là nạn nhân của một trò chơi bẩn.

2. 2 In America in the 1950s, Senator Joseph McCarthy led a witch-hunt against people suspected of being communists.

3. ‘Cause, Emily, you are giving the Backlashers ammunition by characterizing our watershed moment as nothing more than a witch hunt

4. 24 We would all do well to remember that, and not transform a debate about right-wing imagery into a witch hunt.

5. Chicharrones, the snack that successfully survived decades of torment and agony that was dealt out for it during the witch hunt of fat

6. "Angolan authorities have embarked on a very, very selective witch hunt," she told the BBC this week, saying that she has been singled out for …

7. Arthur Miller's The Crucible Allegorizes the actions taken by the House Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950s as well as any other potential, figurative witch hunt

8. Trump's pardon claims that Paul Erickson was charged for "minor financial crimes," because of a "witch hunt." However, Erickson plead guilty to Bilking investors of $1.2 million.

9. Alex Salmond has been Acquitted of all charges of sexual assault, a decision that prompted his allies to suggest he had been the victim of a witch-hunt within the Scottish National party.

10. Davis described the investigation as a "witch hunt," and said his relationship with Buckey was one of his "most rewarding." "I fathered my son years before he was born,” said Davis.

11. In the later Middle Ages, when the witch-hunt began in some earnest, Alewives were often depicted naked and bareheaded or with the devils snare, a two pronged headpiece common in the period, and associated with vanity, at the time.

12. But while the labels Acquiesced on DRM, the RIAA has not stopped their witch hunt for “pirates”, and this Ars Technica post quotes the technical chief at the RIAA as saying that DRM will rear its ugly head yet again, especially as people stop buying single track downloads and/or CDs and move to subscription services.