widely interconnected distributed environment (wide) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện tử & viễn thông
-môi trường phân bố liên kết rộng

Sentence patterns related to "widely interconnected distributed environment wide"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "widely interconnected distributed environment wide" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "widely interconnected distributed environment wide", or refer to the context using the word "widely interconnected distributed environment wide" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Barytes is widely distributed throughout the world

2. Memorial Invitations to Be Distributed Earth Wide!

Đợt phân phát giấy mời dự Lễ Tưởng Niệm trên toàn cầu!

3. Those atoms were randomly distributed in the environment.

4. This is a common and widely distributed moth on Oahu.

Đây là một loài bướm đêm phân bố khắp và phổ biến ở Oahu.

5. Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China.

6. Method and system for providing distributed programming environment using distributed spaces, and computer readable recording medium

7. Copperheads are widely distributed across the eastern half of North America

8. 20 min: “Memorial Invitations to Be Distributed Earth Wide!”

20 phút: “Đợt phân phát giấy mời dự Lễ Tưởng Niệm trên toàn cầu!”.

9. Cormorant breeding colonies are now widely distributed across Britain & Ireland

10. Distribution Oxybutynin is widely distributed in body tissues following systemic absorption

11. The lowland Anoa was widely distributed throughout northern Sulawesi in 1900

12. Aldicarb is rapidly absorbed, widely distributed in the body and rapidly excreted

13. With the exception of cow's milk, tAurine is widely distributed in foods

14. Copepod, (subclass Copepoda), any member of the widely distributed crustacean subclass Copepoda

15. Haemaphysalis (Aboimisalis) punctata tick is a widely distributed species in palaerarctic region.

16. Anthracnose of cucurbits is widely distributed over the world wherever cucurbits are grown

17. Notably, DHA-Acylated astaxanthin ester (DHA-AST) is widely distributed in the seafood

18. White bass are distributed widely across the United States, particularly in the Midwest.

Cá vược trắng phân bố rộng rãi trên khắp các miền của Hoa Kỳ, đặc biệt là ở vùng Trung Tây.

19. Access points (APs) for the network may be widely distributed in various facilities.

20. Aphis gossypii is one of the most biologically diverse and widely distributed aphid species

21. The Watchtower magazine is the most widely translated and distributed journal in the world.

Tháp Canh là tạp chí được dịch và phân phát rộng rãi nhất trên thế giới.

22. 6 Also, the Bible is by far the most widely distributed book in history.

6 Ngoài ra, Kinh-thánh là cuốn sách được phổ biến nhiều vượt bực trong lịch sử.

23. Roe deer is widely distributed in the Northeast of China as an important animal.

24. Psalm 112:9 states: “He has distributed widely; he has given to the poor ones.”

Thi-thiên 112:9 nói: “Người phân phát bao nhiêu của cải, cứu tế người nghèo khổ bần hàn” (Bản Diễn Ý).

25. The majority of species are insectivorous, and insectivory is widely distributed through all microChiropteran families.