were in Vietnamese

@were /bi:/
* (bất qui tắc) nội động từ & trợ động từ (số ít was, số nhiều were, been)
- thì, là
=the earth is round+ qu đất (thì) tròn
=he is a teacher+ anh ta là giáo viên
- có, tồn tại, ở, sống
=there is a concert today+ hôm nay có một buổi hoà nhạc
=are you often in town?+ anh thường có ở tỉnh không
=to be or not to be, that is the question+ sống hay là chết đây, đó là vấn đề
- trở nên, trở thành
=they'll be linguists in some years time+ vài năm nữa họ sẽ trở thành những nhà ngôn ngữ học
- xy ra, diễn ra
=when is the wedding to be+ bao giờ đám cưới sẽ cử hành
- giá
=this book is five pence+ cuốn sách này giá năm xu
- be to phi, định, sẽ
=what time am I to come?+ mấy giờ tôi phi đến
=he is to leave for Hanoi tomorrow+ ngày mai nó sẽ đi Hà nội
- (+ động tính từ hiện tại) đang
=they are doing their work+ họ đang làm việc của họ
- (+ động tính từ quá khứ) bị, được
=the boy is scolded by his mother+ đứa bé bị mẹ mắng
=the house is being built+ ngôi nhà đang được xây
!to have been
- đ đi, đ đến
=I've been to Peking once+ tôi đ đi Bắc kinh một lần
=has anyone been during my absence?+ trong khi tôi đi vắng có ai đến không?
=he's been and took my books+ (thông tục) cái thằng ấy đ đến lấy mất sách của mình
!to be against
- chống lại
!to be for
- tán thành, đứng về phía

Sentence patterns related to "were"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "were" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "were", or refer to the context using the word "were" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty, they were downright rude.

2. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty,(Sentencedict.com) they were downright rude.

3. Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

Thời của Lót cũng vậy: Người ta lo ăn uống, mua bán, trồng trọt và xây cất.

4. + 28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot:+ they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

+ 28 Thời của Lót cũng vậy:+ Người ta lo ăn uống, mua bán, trồng trọt và xây cất.

5. These were women who had not married, were divorced, or were widowed.

Một số phụ nữ này chưa kết hôn, đã ly dị, hoặc góa phụ.

6. We were taught snipers were Cowards

7. My periods were heavy, they were long, and they were very painful.

Những kỳ kinh nguyệt của tôi trôi qua nặng nề, kéo dài và rất đau đớn.

8. And they were Astounded, but those who were following [him] were afraid

9. 26 Some of the things we did were inappropriate, were tacky, were wrong.

10. Before there were nachos, there were Chilaquiles

11. Clapboards were riven while weatherboards were sawn

12. Before there were Hippies there were Beatniks

13. They were gesticulating; they were running around.

Họ đang khoa chân múa tay, đang chạy vòng quanh

14. Some were barefoot, most were in rags.

15. You were well-paid, were you not?

Hai người được trả hậu hĩnh rồi còn gì?

16. I know they were racists, I know they were sexist, but they were great.

Tôi biết họ là những người phân biệt chủng tộc và giới tính, nhưng họ thật vĩ đại.

17. You were like... you were like the zen master when we were at afterlife.

18. Seven thousand people were arrested, 300 buildings were destroyed and 700 businesses were looted.

19. Two miners were killed by police and ten were injured, while nineteen policemen were hurt.

Hai công nhân hầm mỏ đã thiệt mạng dưới tay cảnh sát và mười người khác bị thương, trong khi mười chín cảnh sát bị thương.

20. Crinoids were not plants, however; Crinoids were animals

21. Individuals were shot, others were tarred and feathered.

22. Lights were turned out, and windows were draped.

Đèn đều được tắt và cửa sổ đều được che kín.

23. Soldiers who deserted and were caught were shot.

24. And we were outside, it was late at night, and we were sort of wondering where we were going, we were lost.

Và chúng tôi ở ngoài trong đêm bơ vơ tự hỏi đâu là đâu, chúng tôi đã bị lạc.

25. Canals were man-made rivers which were deep …

26. The Bombsights that were available were incredibly crude

27. They were just... ... hardworking boys that were foolish.

Chúng chỉ là những chàng trai lao động cực khổ và dại dột.

28. “They were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.

29. And behold, they that were in the prison were Lamanites and Nephites who were dissenters.

Và này, những người ở trong nhà giam là những người La Man và những người Nê Phi ly khai.

30. The children were shaking, and some were crying.

Bọn trẻ run lẩy bẩy, có đứa còn gào khóc.

31. Beaches were closed, boats were ordered to remain at port, and 10 flights were canceled.

Các bãi biển đã đóng cửa, các tàu thuyền được yêu cầu ở lại cảng, và 10 chuyến bay đã bị hủy.

32. Some were standing; some seated. Some were lamenting , and in restless motion; but, these were few.

33. The negotiations were continuing, and fees for services the accountants were rendering were still being incurred.

34. All treated Auricles were improved, 87 percent were rated as excellent improvement, and there were no …

35. Were they playing more notes when they were improvising?

vậy trong thực thế họ có thể chơi nhiều nốt hơn khi họ đang thăng hoa không ?

36. Eight Israeli soldiers were killed and two were captured.

Tám binh sĩ Israel thiệt mạng, hai người khác bị bắt làm con tin .

37. Those were the albums that were on the chart.

38. The roads were busy, the buildings were grey and drab; there were tall, high-rise blocks.

39. Terraces were cut into the land; seedlings were planted.

40. Gallstones were causing fever and were poisoning her bloodstream.

Chị lên cơn sốt vì mật có sỏi và làm máu bị nhiễm độc.

41. Farms were being foreclosed, and businesses were going broke.

Các nông trại bị ngân hàng tịch thu để thế nợ và các cơ sở kinh doanh bị phá sản.

42. The students were flabbergasted, they were speechless from bewilderment.

43. Often the police were vindicated before autopsies were completed.

44. When we were kids Zoe and I were inseparable.

45. They were deferred to just because they were men.

46. We were frantic. We thought you were a goner.

47. Those religious leaders were confident that they were safe.

Các nhà lãnh đạo tôn giáo tin tưởng họ được an toàn.

48. Fines were also imposed and crippling fines were threatened.

49. Although the Bolsheviks were not completely monolithic, they were

50. VILLAGES were razed, and inhabitants were imprisoned or killed.

LÀNG MẠC bị san bằng thành bình địa, dân cư kẻ bị bắt người bị giết.