welfare state in Vietnamese

@welfare state
* danh từ
- (the Welfare State) hệ thống phúc lợi xã hội (hệ thống đảm bảo phúc lợi cho công dân bằng các phương tiện dịch vụ xã hội do nhà nước cung cấp; lương hưu, phụ cấp gia đình, chăm sóc y tế miễn phí )

Sentence patterns related to "welfare state"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "welfare state" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "welfare state", or refer to the context using the word "welfare state" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. It has a smaller welfare state.

Phúc lợi xã hội ít hơn.

2. The welfare state never came close to eliminating poverty.

3. Our welfare state encourages, even ensures, poverty among retired people.

4. Whither the Welfare State , Zhou Hong, Social Sciences Academic Press, 200

5. Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.

6. Admittedly, the welfare state must always take new demands into account.

7. These changes clearly signal the end of the welfare state as we know it.

8. Beveridge's legacy endures because the welfare state works tolerably well and is immensely popular.

9. I believe that the Government's general aim is to whittle away the Welfare State.

10. The liberal politicians sigh with relief and continue their efforts to enlarge the welfare state.

11. 29 I believe that the Government's general aim is to whittle away the Welfare State.

12. 15 The US welfare state is overburdened,[www.Sentencedict.com] now the baby boom generation is retiring.

13. Profound reform of the welfare state and building a modern tax administration system requires time.

14. Welfare Chauvinism or Welfare State Nationalism is an economically center-left, culturally far-right ultranationalist ideology

15. It builds on the strength and ambition of the European social model and the welfare state.

16. This model assumes that the welfare state can combat the worst injustice of modern capitalist societies.

17. The welfare state and the managed economy did not suddenly emerge full-blown in this period.

18. b) modernising the European Social Model by investing in people and building an active welfare state.

19. Labour's illustrious memorial, the Welfare State, was - and is - fundamentally underpinned by these beliefs and attitudes.

20. The welfare state was set up to provide a safety net for the poor and needy.

21. After the Thatcher revolution, nostalgia for the lost stabilities and decencies of the welfare state is understandable.

22. The campaign in the popular press mobilised a backlash against the very idea of the welfare state itself.

23. The hardest reforms will involve means-testing, challenging the assumptions of the welfare state, and cutting public expenditure.

24. Politicians, whether cynically or not, have so far dismissed such claims as pleas for a lawyers' welfare state.

25. All such measures should be presented as part of a thought-out programme to recast the welfare state.

26. Just what was to be involved in the radical realignment of the welfare state was not always clear.

27. The welfare state was restricted, and many workers' protections were stripped out in the name of free enterprise.

28. Doughty would admit that in order to safeguard the welfare state income tax would have to go up.

29. Consequently, there were no idle poor on the hands of the government —no dole and no welfare state.

30. With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.

31. We see Finland as an advanced society that has smoothly and successfully developed into an efficiently functioning welfare State.

32. The spirit of comradeship that had made victory possible had the welfare state as one of its natural corollaries.

33. Labour had disappointed many of its supporters, who closely identified the party with the advancement of the welfare state.

34. In Parliament, opposition spokesmen condemned the proposals as an attack on the welfare state and a break with the consensus.

35. Yet the defence of the welfare state in the face of the new immigration has revealed an undercurrent of racism.

36. 9 The spirit of comradeship that had made victory possible had the welfare state as one of its natural corollaries.

37. The expectation that government action, through the welfare state, could remove inequality and uniformly improve living standards was openly challenged.

38. This view sums up the present Conservative philosophy, seen in government policies towards the welfare state, local government and taxation.

39. 29 Labour had disappointed many of its supporters, who closely identified the party with the advancement of the welfare state.

40. These programmes were founded on a comprehensive Welfare State system complemented by the demand management of an expanding mixed economy.

41. Bismarckian (Adjective) Of or pertaining to (1815-1898), German statesman associated with antisocialism and the creation of the welfare state

42. They believed that the Parliament had no power to revoke the mandate to build a welfare State and an egalitarian society .

43. The modern welfare state is interested not so much in relieving poverty as redistributing income to achieve a more egalitarian distribution.

44. No disrespectful reflection on labor unions, cooperatives, government operated enterprises, budget deficits and other features of the welfare state is tolerated.

45. The newly created welfare state promised government support to individuals "from the cradle to the grave", according to the Labour slogan.

Nhà ước phúc lợi mới cam kết chính phủ hỗ trợ các cá nhân "từ nôi đến mồ", theo khẩu hiệu của Công đảng.

46. Because the welfare state is not neutral with respect to gender equality, it also takes sides on the question of language.

47. They believed that Parliament had no power to revoke the mandate to build a Welfare State and an egalitarian society ( para 682 ) .

48. But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state.

49. Most of the measures described are of a recent date and constitute new policy lines in the framework of the 'active welfare state'.

50. 15 But the businessmen who are the driving force behind the TECs may feel diffident about administering a chunk of the welfare state.