water retention in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-sự giữ nước

Sentence patterns related to "water retention"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "water retention" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "water retention", or refer to the context using the word "water retention" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Without the topsoil, water retention is negligible.

2. Soil water retention is essential to life.

Nước trên mặt đất thực sự giúp duy trì cuộc sống.

3. Without water retention the land becomes baked.

4. 4 Without the topsoil, water retention is negligible.

5. Water retention in Ankles may be because of edema

6. He also tries traditional medications for pain, water retention, anxiety and hypoglycemia.

7. Angiotensin II also contributes to salt and water retention in our bodies

8. The severity of water retention in Ankles depends on the condition that causes it.

9. Hügelkultur is the practice of burying large volumes of wood to increase soil water retention.

Hügelkultur là thực hiện chôn vùi một khối lượng lớn gỗ để tăng lượng nước ngầm trong đất.

10. 4-Andro is a true bulking compound, resulting in mass gains with some water retention

11. Calcium channel blocking activity, for example elicits direct arterial dilation accompanied by sodium and water retention

12. Water retention properties of soil: cement mortars appear well-suited to typical unit water absorption characteristics.

13. Peripheral pitting edema, as shown in the illustration, is the more common type, resulting from water retention.

Phù nề rỗ ngoại vi, như minh họa trong hình minh họa, là loại phổ biến hơn, do giữ nước.

14. It is therefore of alluvial, sandy and clayey silt origin, fresh, deep and fertile with good water retention

15. • The decrease in sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules will be Accompanied by decreased chloride and water retention

16. It is therefore of alluvial, sandy and clayey silt origin, fresh, deep and fertile with good water retention.

17. 20 The decrease in sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules will be accompanied by decreased chloride and water retention.

18. (Magnesium sulfate, NLM, Medical Subject Headings) The Cathartic action of magnesium cations appears to result, in part, from osmotically mediated water retention, which subsequently stimulates peristalsis.

19. Aldosterone is the endogenous mineralocorticoid and is of fundamental importance in the maintenance of water and electrolyte balance, producing sodium and water retention and potassium excretion.

20. The loess and alluvial soil have a high nutrient content, are rich in trace elements, medium dense, friable and flat-surfaced, with good air and water retention.

21. NOVIHUM® Argil A mix of NOVIHUM® (80%) and Bentonite (20%) developed to treat areas with low water retention and soil degradation issues, in particular low in clay content.

22. What is the difference between 1-Andro and 4-Andro? 1-Andro is a dry bulking agent that helps to produce lean muscle gains with little to no water retention

23. According to a Fox News Health Blog article by Tanya Zuckerbrot, a registered dietitian, vitamin B-6 acts as a natural diuretic and can therefore help relieve Bloating caused by water retention.

24. ‘The Bogginess extended from the knee to 10 cm above the ankle, yet the skin surface appeared normal.’ ‘We recognize dampness as water retention, bloating and a sense of Bogginess in the body.’

25. ‘Porc du Sud-Ouest’ meat has a higher lipid content and the linoleic acid reduces the size of adipocytes, which increases water retention, as does the pH which ranges from 5,5 to 6,2.

26. The land used for cultivating the saffron is extremely fertile, with deep alluvial deposits (vertisoils) and a light sand/clay consistency, is permeable, features little or no earth structure and has extremely good water retention

27. The land used for cultivating the saffron is extremely fertile, with deep alluvial deposits (vertisoils) and a light sand/clay consistency, is permeable, features little or no earth structure and has extremely good water retention.

28. Lime-free admixture compositions comprise a combination of emulsifiers, toughening resins/plasticizers, adhesive resins, pumping aids for providing lubrication, rheology controllers, water retention agents, water repellents/overcoat finishes, accelerators, water reducers and air entraining agents.

29. Aldosterone is a pregnane-based steroidal hormone produced by the outer-section (zona glomerulosa) of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland, and acts on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney to cause the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, increased water retention, and increased blood pressure