waste products in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-phế phẩm

Sentence patterns related to "waste products"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "waste products" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "waste products", or refer to the context using the word "waste products" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The Blood also carries away waste products.

2. People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products.

Người ta có thể tự làm chất đốt từ những sản phẩm bỏ đi,

3. The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products.

4. Two waste products, H2O and CO2, are created during this cycle.

Hai sản phẩm "thừa" tế bào, H2O và CO2 , cũng được tạo ra trong chu kỳ này.

5. It contains cholesterol, Bile salts, and waste products such as bilirubin

6. Numerous businesses pollute on a grand scale by creating tons of waste products.

Nhiều xí nghiệp tạo hàng tấn đồ phế thải gây ra ô nhiễm trên bình diện rộng lớn.

7. Arrangement for the removal of waste products during the ablation of biological tissue

8. Contrary to early notions, Bilins are not only waste products of heme degradation

9. Urea and other waste products, potassium, and phosphate diffuse into the dialysis solution.

10. Tons of waste products are daily dumped into the rivers, oceans, air, and soil.

Hàng tấn chất phế thải đã được đổ xuống sông, thải xuống biển, tỏa ra không khí và thấm vào đất.

11. The waste products of rich people were sold at higher prices because their diet was better.

Các sản phẩm thải của những người giàu được bán giá cao hơn vì chế độ dinh dưỡng của họ tốt hơn. ^ Hall, Justin.

12. The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood.

13. Your kidneys work to filter Creatinine as well as other waste products out of your blood

14. Biofuels are produced from living organisms or from metabolic by-products (organic or food waste products)

15. Industrial activities generate a wide variety of waste products which are generally discharged into water courses .

16. 13 The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood.

17. Wastes suitable for land application for nutrient values include: Biosolids, Industrial Waste Products, and Pollutant-bearing Water.

18. Because the excretory processes are greatly reduced, the accumulation of waste products must be dealt with internally.

19. Says Donna Leong, an expert on waste management: “The tourist industry generates huge amounts of waste products. . . .

Donna Leong, một chuyên gia về ngành xử lý chất thải, nói: “Ngành du lịch phát sinh hàng khối khổng lồ đồ phế thải...

20. Aluminum sulphate or iron sulphate, which are waste products from industry, can be used for this purpose.

21. Both waste products are oily or otherwise polluted, hence may not be released into the sea without treatment.

22. Papillary renal cell Carcinoma is a cancer of the tubes that filter those waste products from the blood

23. The waste products accumulate in the core, with the energy being produced in a layer surrounding this core.

24. While they don't generally bite people, Cockroaches shed, and their waste products can get into the air you breathe

25. Astringent & Waste Products Astringent taste causes a tightening of tissues obstructing lymphatic flow, elimination of toxins, and sometimes, constipation

26. Acting, at the same time, as a main sewer that takes away the waste products set free by living tissues.

27. New Zealand Blackcurrant anthocyanins enhance the delivery of nutrients to, and the removal of waste products from muscles during exercise

28. It must also maintain the correct body temperature, an acceptable pressure on the body and deal with the body's waste products.

29. Normally, as food moves through the colon (also known as the large intestine) the colon Absorbs water while forming stool (waste products)

30. This characteristic enables the Cell to admit or block substances from the surrounding fluid and to excrete waste products into its environment

31. Furthermore, for most waste products, the aid is spread over several projects (up to 20 in the case of compost and aggregates).

32. Land application [PDF] is the process of using waste materials, such as municipal Biosolids and industrial waste products as fertilizers or soil amendments

33. Bilirubin, a brownish yellow pigment of bile, secreted by the liver in vertebrates, which gives to solid waste products (feces) their characteristic colour

34. Urine, faeces and ambergris which are waste products and gained without the manipulation of the animal concerned are not subject to this Regulation.

35. The passage of food residue and waste products through the intestines can be interrupted or halted by the presence of a Bowel obstruction.

36. It is commonly thought that when a person works, he uses up energy, and waste products, such as lactic acid, accumulate in his blood.

37. The kidneys make urine from a mix of water and the body's waste products, funneling the unwanted fluid into two muscular tubes called ureters.

Thận tạo ra nước tiểu từ hỗn hợp nước và các chất thải của cơ thể, dẫn nước tiểu vào hai ống cơ gọi là ống dẫn đái.

38. Autointoxication ( uncountable ) ( medicine) Poisoning due to the faulty absorption of the waste products of metabolism or of the products of decomposition within the intestines.

39. Autointoxication (uncountable) ( medicine ) Poisoning due to the faulty absorption of the waste products of metabolism or of the products of decomposition within the intestines

40. Urine, faeces and ambergris which are waste products and gained without the manipulation of the animal concerned are not subject to the provisions of the Regulation

41. Urine, faeces and ambergris which are waste products and gained without the manipulation of the animal concerned are not subject to the provisions of the Regulation.

42. It is produced from ammonia, which in turn is produced mainly from natural gas, although it can also be produced from the waste products of oil refining.

43. In France, Bituminized Waste Products (BWP) constitute a non-negligible part, in terms of volume, of the total waste to be disposed of in a (hypothetic) geological repository

44. Drinking plenty of water not only helps to maintain your electrolyte balance but also flushes out lactic acid and other waste products that could interfere with muscle function.

45. Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases

46. The invention relates to an arrangement for the removal of waste products, such as smoke and tissue particles, arising during the ablation of biological tissue by means of laser irradiation.

47. Bile is the greenish-yellow fluid (consisting of waste products, cholesterol, and Bile salts) that is secreted by the liver cells to perform 2 primary functions: To carry away waste

48. The Cardiorespiratory system generally refers to the interaction of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs as they work to take in oxygen for cellular use and remove waste products from the body

49. This concerns industrial plants, vessels and aircraft, sea products, goods delivered to vessels and aircraft, staggered consignments, military goods, goods to or from offshore installations, spacecraft, electricity and gas and waste products.

50. Autointoxication: ( aw'tō-in-toks'i-kā'shŭn ), A disorder resulting from absorption of the waste products of metabolism, decomposed matter from the intestine, or the products of dead and infected tissue, as in gangrene