vocation in Vietnamese

@vocation /vou'keiʃn/
* danh từ
- thiên hướng
=to have vocation for music+ có thiên hướng về nhạc
- nghề, nghề nghiệp
=to choose a vocation+ chọn nghề, chọn ngành
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-nghề nghiệp
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-nghề nghiệp

Sentence patterns related to "vocation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vocation" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vocation", or refer to the context using the word "vocation" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. You missed your vocation .

2. His true vocation was teaching.

Bà có trình độ học vấn là Cử nhân Luật.

3. He has little vocation for teaching.

4. He found his vocation in ornithology.

5. He has a vocation for teaching.

6. His vocation coincides with his avocation.

7. E520B Astrologies of Soul: Calling and Vocation

8. Make authorship your avocation, not your vocation.

9. 1 He found his vocation in ornithology.

10. This was not the inspiration for her vocation.

11. She seems to have a vocation for healing.

12. Moreover, the ministry must surely be your vocation.

Hơn nữa, chí hướng của bạn chắc chắn phải là thánh chức.

13. 23 Let's map out our vocation to Beijing.

14. I feel I've found/missed my true vocation.

15. Her vocation is her work as an actress.

16. My main Avocation, almost a second vocation, is farming.

17. Nursing is not just a job—it's a vocation.

18. His deformity totally disabled him from following his vocation.

19. Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.

20. Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.

21. She struggled for years to find her true vocation.

22. Being a Cooperator does not require a specific vocation

23. 8 She seems to have a vocation for healing.

24. She is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.

25. This is a job that demands a sense of vocation.

26. You missed your vocation-you should have been an actor.

27. It could well be that he has a real vocation.

28. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as an artist.

29. 14 Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation.

30. Six months later, Ammer’s outlook on his vocation had transformed.

31. At 17 she found her true vocation as a writer.

32. 9 Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me.

33. The young couple have already saved ample money for the summer vocation.

34. – Sanctification, vocation, and stewardship-themed bulletin Blurbs keyed to the lectionaries

35. The Apostolate of the laity: (1) derives from the Christian vocation,

36. Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation.

37. She believes that she has found her true vocation in life.

38. Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me.

39. She feels that she missed her vocation by not working with children.

40. We Catholics believe that our vocation is to be leaven in society.

Chúng tôi là Người Công Giáo tin rằng mục đích của chúng tôi là trở thành chất men trong xã hội.

41. My Avocation and my vocation As my two eyes make one in sight

42. 11 A dentist at work in his vocation always down in the mouth.

43. Joan, living their life, we desire to realize our vocation as Annunciades

44. To achieve this , vocation training for rural workers needs to be prioritized .

Để đạt được điều này , chúng ta cần ưu tiên công tác đào tạo nghề cho lao động nông thôn .

45. He had a strong sense of responsibility to his vocation of preaching.

46. You've missed your vocation, Mary,[Sentencedict] you should have been a nurse!

47. During his lifetime, the distinctive characteristics of his vocation had begun to dwindle.

48. February 2021 – Sanctification, vocation, and stewardship-themed bulletin Blurbs keyed to the lectionaries.

49. Coming from a family of artists, where they always supported her in her vocation.

Bà xuất thân từ một gia đình nghệ sĩ, nơi họ luôn ủng hộ bà trong công việc.

50. 24 He had a strong sense of responsibility to his vocation of preaching.