untenable in Vietnamese

@untenable /' n'ten bl/
* tính từ
- không giữ được, không vững
=an untenable position+ một vị trí không giữ được
- không c i được, không biện hộ được, không bo vệ được
=an untenable theory+ một lý thuyết không bo vệ được

Sentence patterns related to "untenable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "untenable" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "untenable", or refer to the context using the word "untenable" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Closer investigation showed this idea to be untenable.

2. Today, however, such an assertion is wholly untenable.

3. She has made my position here in Hochhauser untenable.

4. They collectively dismissed the prospect as untenable.

5. The scandal put the President in an untenable position .

6. Stille & Guilford (2004), it seems that Automimicry is untenable

7. It was a ghoulish and, I knew immediately, untenable situation.

8. You are here because circumstances with the cartel are untenable.

Cậu ở đây bởi vì tình hình với bên các-ten đã không thể cứu vãn.

9. For ministers to ignore Parliament completely would prove equally untenable.

10. Government restrictions have put the business in an untenable position.

11. But by the time I came along, that seemed clearly untenable.

12. His position had become untenable and he was forced to resign.

13. This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.

14. I find your theory is untenable and it must be rejected.

15. This attractive theory was too often proved untenable by the harsh realities.

16. She was so disloyal to her deputy she made his position untenable.

17. Uvarov's position as education minister became untenable and he resigned six months later.

18. That would be a substantial step backward and a legally untenable position.

19. In fact recent findings make this kind of view untenable, as we will see below.

20. The status quo cannot be maintained as we move forward, for it is absolutely untenable.

21. If three people in four no longer support the government, isn't this an untenable situation?

22. Antonyms for Arguable include untenable, unimaginable, unthinkable, certain, accomplished, hands-down, inArguable, incontestable, incontrovertible and indisputable

23. A permanent state of war with the community was untenable, but the law must be enforced.

24. By that evening, both his right and left flanks having been broken, Samsonov's position was untenable.

25. But the alternative - to have him believing her poor showing had been caused by drugs, was equally untenable.

26. We therefore think that the very restrictive advice which would result from supporting the amendments is untenable.

27. Society can not abandon extensive parts of the country - that would be socially unacceptable and economically untenable.

28. But with Auerbach the premise of the bust as substitution for the complete human form seems untenable.

29. In other words, the position of a minority government can be made untenable if all the other parties combine against it.

30. 27 But with Auerbach the premise of the bust as substitution for the complete human form seems untenable.

31. The Attitudes or behavior of one who stubbornly holds on to something, as an outdated view, untenable position, etc

32. Even if we accept this, it is questionable how useful an analytical framework is which has an untenable base.

33. Petersburg summit. Unemployment levels in several countries, including the US, have become excessively high and untenable, breeding large-scale discontent.

34. Thus, to assume that the creation of a predisposition to buy is a sufficient explanation of buyer behavior seems untenable.

35. Combat experience in the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895 convinced the IJN that the Jeune Ecole doctrine was untenable.

Kinh nghiệm chiến đấu trong Chiến tranh Thanh-Nhật năm 1894–95 đã thuyết phục Hải quân Nhật rằng học thuyết Jeune Ecole là không thể áp dụng được.

36. A Blockbuster outside Perth in western Australia had survived the same Annihilating calculus that made video stores untenable: Netflix, Hulu, Redbox

37. As pointed out by author Lewis Mumford: “The notion that mechanical and scientific progress guaranteed parallel human benefits . . . now has become completely untenable.”

Không, như tác giả Lewis Mumford nêu rõ: “Khái niệm cho rằng sự tiến bộ về cơ khí và khoa học cam kết đem lại những lợi ích tương ứng cho nhân loại... hiện đã trở thành hoàn toàn không đứng vững được”.

38. At the commencement of the process, the European Union had been open to improving the agenda and working methods, and had seen the status quo as untenable.

39. 11 The author thought that the joint negligence principal offender theory can be established, and the negligence abettor or the negligence assist offender is untenable.

40. As an alleged paragon of extreme Apriorism, the methodology of Austrian economics in Mises’ tradition is often dismissed as untenable in the light of modern philosophy.

41. It's another case of power in the wrong hands - a Corruptive, toxic, untenable mix that can lead to almighty delusions of grandeur, invulnerability and, ultimately, self-destruction

42. This inefficient method may have worked passably well for the first 25 years of the digital age, but it's becoming untenable as the pile of data mounts.

43. It's my belief that abstract economic theory that denies the needs of community or denies the contribution that community makes to economy is shortsighted, cruel and untenable.

44. The rift with Cincinnati Bearcats coach John Brannen that led to a mass exodus of basketball players An untenable culture within the Bearcats’ men’s basketball program, stemming from player

45. In the circumstances, India urged the World Bank more consultations on the matter, so that a legally untenable situation of two different mechanisms adjudicating the same matter could be avoided.

46. Reductio ad absurdum is a mode of argumentation that seeks to establish a contention by deriving an Absurdity from its denial, thus arguing that a thesis must be accepted because its rejection would be untenable

47. Maxwell argues that the prevailing view of the relation between scientific theory and evidence is untenable; he calls for a new orthodoxy that sees science as making a hierarchy of assumptions about the Comprehensibility of the universe.

48. A distinguished Trinidadian, Senator Professor John Spence, objects to the Concordat giving the religious interests a veto over teaching materials in the denominational schools- -ldquo;In a multi-religious democracy such as ours this is an untenable

49. A Microsoft research team provides concrete evidence showing that existing NLP models cannot robustly solve even the simplest of Math word problems, suggesting the hope that they might Capably handle one-unknown arithmetic MWPs is untenable.

50. What are the details? Reuters reported Wednesday that Mexico's government is concerned the Biden administration's lenient approach to illegal immigration enforcement has both resulted in untenable levels of migration and created business for violent gangs and drug Cartels.