undernourishment in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- sự thiếu ăn, sự không được ăn đầy đủ (thức ăn cần thiết cho sức khoẻ và sự phát triển bình thường)

Sentence patterns related to "undernourishment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "undernourishment" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "undernourishment", or refer to the context using the word "undernourishment" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 1 His health collapsed from undernourishment.

2. Likewise, fetal undernourishment can cause a lifelong impairment of the immune system.

Tương tự như vậy, suy dinh dưỡng thai nhi có thể gây suy yếu hệ thống miễn dịch suốt đời.

3. 6 The collapse of his health is brougt on by undernourishment.

4. 2 What with overwork and ( what with ) undernourishment , she fell ill.

5. 3 What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill.

6. A very low height-to-age ratio may reveal chronic undernourishment —the child is stunted.

7. 4 Few of them starved to death: diseases take a deadlier toll of weakened bodies than undernourishment.

8. 7 Forty per cent of children under five in developing countries are short for their age because of undernourishment.

9. 5 The workers' ignorance compounds their poverty: everywhere, failure to follow the most elementary rules of diet makes undernourishment worse.

10. Victims of kwashiorkor commonly exhibit reduced ability to recover fluids, immune system failure, and low lipid absorption, all of which result from a state of severe undernourishment.

11. Will the world’s Breadbaskets become less reliable? Over the past few decades, people around the world have benefited from a growing supply of food, keeping prices relatively stable and reducing undernourishment to near all-time lows