to set in motion in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
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Sentence patterns related to "to set in motion"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to set in motion" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to set in motion", or refer to the context using the word "to set in motion" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Verb ()(label) To begin, Commence, initiate.# To set in motion

2. What, for example, activated specific genes in your cells to set in motion the process of differentiation?

3. History and Etymology for Agitate. Middle English agitat "set in motion," borrowed from Latin agitātus, past participle of agitāre "to set in motion, drive before one, arouse, disturb, deal with, turn over in the mind," frequentative of agere "to drive, be in motion, do, perform" — …

4. Agitate (v.) 1580s, "to disturb," from Latin agitatus, past participle of agitare "to put in constant or violent motion, drive onward, impel," frequentative of agere "to set in motion, drive, drive forward," figuratively "incite to action; keep in movement, stir up" (from PIE root *ag-"to drive, draw out or forth, move").

5. Cite (v.) mid-15c., "to summon, call upon officially," from Old French Citer "to summon" (14c.), from Latin citare "to summon, urge, call; put in sudden motion, call forward; rouse, exCite," frequentative of ciere "to move, set in motion, stir, rouse, call, invite" from PIE root *keie-"to set in motion, to move to and fro."

6. Actor (n.) late 14c., "an overseer, guardian, steward," from Latin Actor "an agent or doer; a driver (of sheep, etc.)," in law, "accuser, plaintiff," also "theatrical player, orator," from past participle stem of agere "to set in motion, drive, drive forward," hence "to do, perform," also "act on stage, play the part of; plead a cause at law" (from PIE root *ag-"to drive, draw out or forth