to carry out in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-thực hiện
-tiến hành

Sentence patterns related to "to carry out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to carry out" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to carry out", or refer to the context using the word "to carry out" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Repairs take time to carry out.

2. They failed to carry out their objectives.

3. They failed to carry out the provisions.

4. To Carry out – put in effect 1.

5. Lyrics to 'Carry out' by Justin Timberlake

6. Bereaved families don't want to carry out autopsy.

Bây giờ phía gia quyến cũng không muốn khám nghiệm tử thi.

7. I'm too weak to carry out this mission

Tôi cũng quá yếu để gánh vác việc này

8. Smith obstinately refused to carry out the order.

9. Three students were chosen to carry out the experiment.

10. We'll need to carry out a series of tests.

11. Collaborate with other Astronomers to carry out research projects

12. It is important to carry out regular stock

13. It is important to carry out regular stock checks.

14. The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.

15. Management refused to carry out/conduct a green audit.

16. How to carry out insurance and claim civil engineering.

17. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.

18. Three final assumptions permit Lucas to carry out his test.

19. Too selfish and weak to carry out his own plan?

Quá vị kỷ và quá yếu hèn để rồi theo kế hoạch của hắn ư?

20. She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign.

21. ) The bereaved families don't want to carry out an autopsy.

Gia quyến của người chết không muốn khám nghiệm tử thi.

22. In the morning, they hasten to carry out their schemes.

Đến sáng, chúng vội thực hiện mưu kế mình.

23. He is able to carry out all that he has purposed.

Ngài có khả năng thực hiện tất cả những gì Ngài đã định.

24. Although in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties.

25. The community continued to carry out its activities in the capital

26. Nonetheless, Russian drones continue to carry out flights of aerial reconnaissance.

27. We are supposed to carry out this task at any cost.

28. It would be unethical to carry out such experiments on animals.

29. The pilot has to carry out a series of complex manoeuvres.

30. We've still got to carry out an evaluation of the results.

31. To carry out all these operations takes a good deal of money.

Để thực hiện mọi công trình này đòi hỏi phải có một số tiền khá lớn.

32. Five destroyers were detached to carry out a bombardment of the port.

33. After the report, advisers are expected to carry out follow-up work.

34. To carry out accurate market research requires a huge amount of work.

35. Make whatever adjustments are needed to carry out your scheduled theocratic activity.

Hãy thích nghi với tình cảnh sao cho giữ đúng theo chương trình sinh hoạt thần quyền.

36. 11. (a) What agencies will Gog use to carry out his attack?

11. (a) Gót sẽ dùng cơ quan nào để thực hiện cuộc tấn công của hắn?

37. His Holiness is accorded all freedom to carry out his religious activities.

38. Nor does Jehovah need any human support to carry out his will.

Ngài cũng chẳng cần bất cứ người nào giúp thực hiện ý muốn Ngài.

39. The hour for Adolf Hitler to carry out his resolve had come.

40. We need to carry out a proper evaluation of the new system.

41. The law puts the onus on the lender to carry out necessary checks.

42. These countries need to carry out far-reaching reforms to modernize their economies.

43. You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house.

44. (a) in an institution to carry out manual or administrative support service tasks,

45. Project promoters are not permitted to carry out consultancy work related to advertising

46. The Korean court managed to carry out some reforms, but they remained problematic.

Nhà Triều Tiên tiến hành được vài cải cách, nhưng thậm chí chúng còn lắm vấn đề hơn.

47. He showed them how to carry out the commission that he gave them.

Ngài cho họ thấy làm thế nào để chu toàn nhiệm vụ ngài giao (Lu 8:1).

48. In China, each couple is required to carry out a eugenic plan strictly.

49. Don't want to swim and do not want to carry out an order.

50. Both have optical equipment that allows pilots to carry out nighttime bombing missions.