ternate in Vietnamese

@ternate /'tə:neit/
* tính từ
- (thực vật học) chụm ba (lá) ((cũng) tern)

Sentence patterns related to "ternate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ternate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ternate", or refer to the context using the word "ternate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Hiri island is a volcanic cone lying off the northern tip of Ternate.

Đảo Hiri là một núi lửa hình nón nằm ở mũi phía bắc của Ternate.

2. Like Ternate, Tidore allowed the Dutch spice eradication program (extirpatie) to proceed in its territories.

Giống như Ternate, Tidore đã phải cho phép chương trình tiệt trừ hương liệu (extirpatie) trên lãnh thổ của mình.

3. The series of contacts was completed by visits to the refugee camps in Ambon and Ternate.

4. He married a woman from Amboina and became a military advisor to the Sultan of Ternate, Bayan Sirrullah.

Serrão kết hôn với một người phụ nữ vùng Amboina và trở thành một cố vấn quân sự cho Sultan của vùng Ternate, Bayan Sirrullah.

5. These are known as Ternate Bridges as they cross three rivers at their confluence and form a natural ring road.

6. The Ambonese language as the lingua franca in Maluku has been understood by almost all residents of Maluku Province and generally, little by little, is understood by other East Indonesian people such as those in Ternate, Manado, Kupang, etc

7. ‘The ternate or occasionally Binate leaves are from three to four inches long, rigid and sharp.’ ‘The leaves are in pairs, Binate, placed base to base, oval, broader than long, ending in an obtuse point, smooth, glaucous beneath, and borne on petioles as long as the scape, which arise from the rhizome.’

8. During the early stages of the conflict the large-scale internal displacement of Ambonese to Northern Maluku, Ternate in particular, and the rumors and crimes the internally displaced people described to local residents are cited as a factor in the increased sectarian tension and initial violence in North Maluku during August 1999.