suzerainty in Vietnamese

@suzerainty /'su:zəreinti/
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- quyền tôn chủ, quyền bá chủ

Sentence patterns related to "suzerainty"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suzerainty" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suzerainty", or refer to the context using the word "suzerainty" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Through this , Tibet enjoyed a high degree of autonomy under suzerainty of China.

2. For political and economic self - interest, these democracies instead continued to accept Chinese suzerainty over Tibet.

3. The state accepted suzerainty of British East India Company in 1819 when Kutch was defeated in battle.

4. 23 He did not ask for independence and never attempted to repudiate the suzerainty of the sultan.

5. Outer Tibet, approximately the same area as the modern Tibet Autonomous Region, would be autonomous under Chinese suzerainty.

Ngoại Tây Tạng, xấp xỉ khu vực hiện nay của Khu tự trị Tây Tạng, sẽ là khu tự trị dưới sự bảo hộ của Trung Quốc.

6. After Ottoman rule, Aden was ruled by the Sultanate of Lahej, under suzerainty of the Zaidi imams of Yemen.

7. To the east lay border regions - Berry and Auvergne - where even the Duke's nominal suzerainty was at times doubtful.

8. In 212 he gave his sister Antiochis in marriage to King Xerxes of Armenia, who acknowledged his suzerainty and paid him tribute

9. In 212 he gave his sister Antiochis in marriage to King Xerxes of Armenia, who acknowledged his suzerainty and paid him tribute

10. The Demon areas stood under the suzerainty of the principality of Larantuka, which in turn was under Portuguese rule until 1859, when it was ceded to the Netherlands.

Khu vực Demon đứng dưới quyền bá chủ của công quốc Larantuka, và công quốc này lại dưới sự cai trị của người Bồ Đào Nha cho tới tận năm 1859, khi nó được bàn giao cho Hà Lan.

11. "Evil like his brothers, he paid no attention to the Admonishings of Jeremiah the prophet to accept Babylonian suzerainty as the will of God [as we will see in upcoming readings]

12. • An Appanage or apanage (pronounced dʒ) or apanage (a • Any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life • Territory ruled by a prince under the suzerainty of the grand prince or tsar • Whatever belongs rightfully or appropriately to one's rank or station in life

13. The Byzantine desire to be seen as holding a level of suzerainty over all of the Crusader states was taken seriously, as evidenced by the alarm shown in the Kingdom of Jerusalem when John informed King Fulk of his plan for an armed pilgrimage to the Holy City (1142).

Lòng ham muốn nắm giữ bá quyền ở một mức độ lên tất cả các tiểu quốc Thập tự quân của Đông La Mã đã được thực hiện nghiêm chỉnh, bằng chứng là sự hoảng hốt của Vương quốc Jerusalem khi Ioannes báo cho Vua Fulk biết về kế hoạch sửa soạn cho một cuộc hành hương có vũ trang đến Thánh Địa (1142).

14. The Muslims who entered Iberia in 711 were mainly Berbers, and were led by a Berber, Tariq ibn Ziyad, though under the suzerainty of the Arab Caliph of Damascus Abd al-Malik and his North African Viceroy, Musa ibn Nusayr.A second mixed army of Arabs and Berbers came in 712 under Ibn Nusayr himself

15. (21) "territory" means, for Georgia, the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto under its sovereignty, suzerainty, protection or mandate, and, for the European Union, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea in which the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union is applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties and any successor instrument.