steady-state growth in Vietnamese

@Steady-state growth
- (Econ) Tăng trưởng ở mức ổn định; Tăng trưởng đều đặn.
+ Trong LÝ THUẾT TĂNG TRƯỞNG, một điều kiện năng động của nền kinh tế mà tất cả các biến số thực đều tăng với tốc độ tỷ lệ không đổi.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự tăng trưởng bền vững, vững chắc
-tăng trưởng đều đều
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-tăng trưởng vững

Sentence patterns related to "steady-state growth"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "steady-state growth" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "steady-state growth", or refer to the context using the word "steady-state growth" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Hudson's growth was slow but steady.

Bước tiến của người Norman chậm nhưng chắc chắn.

2. Aphototaxis Bain for steady state

3. The factory has achieved a steady growth in output.

4. The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.

5. During Chemostat cultivation, an equilibrium is established (steady state) at which the growth rate of the cells equals the dilution rate.

6. During Chemostat cultivation, an equilibrium is established (steady state) at which the growth rate of the cells equals the dilution rate.

7. This is called quasi-steady-state Cornering

8. Ecotopians develop steady state systems and technologies.

9. Strong export growth, along with steady consumption growth, is expected to nudge Brazil’s growth to 3.7 percent in 2016.

Tăng mạnh xuất khẩu, và tăng tiêu dùng sẽ kéo tăng trưởng Brazil lên mức 3,7% năm 2016.

10. One was the so-called steady state theory.

11. Both steady- and transient-state conditions were tested.

Cả hai trạng thái dòng chảy ổn định và dòng chảy biến thiên theo thời gian đều đã được mô hình hoá và thử nghiệm.

12. Chemostats allow for the steady-state cultivation of microbes

13. The steady state theory therefore had to be abandoned.

14. Only a steady state, or pathway equilibrium, is reached.

15. Maximum range of steady-state voltage level in PU

16. Overall, however, domestic demand growth and investment activity are steady and strong.

17. Either explanation contradicted the predictions of the steady state theory.

18. The developed technique, called the microsecond-pulsed steady-state nanocalorimetry method, combines the signal enhancement of fast scanning with advanced signal averaging of steady-state techniques.

19. According to the steady-state flow regular pattern, to analysis H-K hydrodynamic model, to collate pressure calculation model of under-balanced drilling steady-state design.

20. A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls.

21. In this case, the vehicle is capable of steady-state Cornering …

22. The economy, Ricardo concluded, is bound to tend towards a steady state.

Vì vậy, Ricardo kết luận nền kinh tế sẽ hướng tới một tình trạng trì trệ.

23. • Although employment growth has been steady since the recession, government Cutbacks will likely curb it

24. The proposal that gained widest support was called the steady state theory.

25. State ventricular Bigeminies, including paired-pulse stimulation, in the same way as in steady-state regularly beating hearts