staunch in Vietnamese

@staunch /stɑ:ntʃ/ (staunch) /stɔ:ntʃ/
ngoại động từ
- cầm (máu) lại; làm (một vết thương) cầm máu lại
=to stanch a wound+ làm cầm máu một vết thương
tính từ
- trung thành; đáng tin cậy
=stanch friend+ người bạn trung thành
- kín (nước, không khí không vào được)
- chắc chắn, vững vàng, vững chắc
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-chất lượng tốt
-kín khít
-vững chắc

Sentence patterns related to "staunch"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "staunch" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "staunch", or refer to the context using the word "staunch" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ni is a staunch Breadwinners supporter

2. And the formerly staunch and irate father?

Và người cha trước kia là Phât tử chân thành thường có tính nổi giận thì sao?

3. They tried to staunch the flow of blood.

4. He also initiated a staunch campaign urging retractions.

5. Graham is a staunch supporter of Amateurism

6. I was a staunch Catholic.

Tôi là người sùng đạo Công giáo.

7. Tom tried to staunch the blood with his handkerchief.

8. I thought I would never staunch the flow.

9. He is a staunch supporter of Amateurism in intercollegiate athletics

10. He used a rag to staunch the flow of blood.

11. Politically, she is a staunch opponent of reform.

12. Old blackout curtains staunch the break of day.

13. He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.

14. The Bacardi family was a staunch supporter of Cuba's fight for independence from Spain

15. They were staunch British patriots and had portraits of the Queen in their flat.

16. He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights.

17. Many voters are staunch anti-federalists, opposed to the concept of regional government.

18. Many Church Fathers after the Council of Nicaea became staunch Trinitarians.

Sau Giáo Hội Nghị Nicaea, nhiều Giáo Phụ đã trở thành những người kiên định ủng hộ thuyết Chúa Ba Ngôi.

19. Thereafter, it was fostered by de Gaulle's staunch support of Adenauer's hard line on Berlin.

20. That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

21. He has been a staunch supporter of the Liberal Party for over thirty years.

22. Betony may be taken alone or with yarrow to help staunch nosebleeds

23. This came about when a special pioneer met a staunch Protestant woman.

Việc này xảy ra khi một người khai thác đặc biệt gặp một bà người sùng đạo Tin lành.

24. He used the cloth to try to staunch the flow of blood.

25. None the less, the forces of change may weaken even the most staunch set of beliefs.

26. 27 That would depend upon whether the germs of staunch comradeship underlay the temporary emotion.

27. 27 He was noted for his prodigious memory, was deeply religious, and a staunch advocate of temperance.

28. President James Madison, a staunch opponent of the bill, grudgingly accepted Napoleon's offer.

29. My parents were staunch Catholics, and when I was young, I served as an altar boy.

Cha mẹ tôi là những tín đồ Công giáo sùng đạo. Khi còn nhỏ, tôi đã được dâng lễ.

30. Mrs Chan, Hong Kong's most popular public official, consistently proved a staunch defender of its autonomy.

31. He was noted for his prodigious memory, was deeply religious, and a staunch advocate of temperance.

32. A staunch Evangelical of Reformed doctrine, Cummins opposed the influences of Ritualism and the Anglo-Catholic Oxford Movement.

33. The declared goal of Washington's policy is to staunch the flow of illicit drugs.

34. The country's asylum laws were amended to staunch the flow/flood of economic migrants.

35. Among Protestants, pastor Martin Niemöller is often pointed to as a staunch opponent of the Nazi regime.

36. For staunch opponents, there is mounting concern about a political and legal climate that more readily fosters capital punishment.

37. Forbes is a staunch conservative, but the liberal Jerry Brown once proposed a similar plan.

38. When I read the script, I thought he was a sentient man, a staunch fella.

39. There was that black future to fend off: there was the endless black past to staunch and help.

40. 9 A staunch supporter of the Good Friday agreement,( he is the first victim of the Troubles since July.

41. He hopes Aobama will become the staunch proponent that the technology develops truly henceforth very much.

42. Of course there were those who remained staunch, Guy reminded himself, as he reached into his tunic for a few coins.

43. This isolation increased after the arrival of Otto von Bismarck (one of her most staunch political opponents) to power in 1862.

Sự đối lập ngày càng dữ dội từ năm 1862 khi Otto von Bismarck (một nhà chính trị cực đoan có quan điểm trái ngược với bà) lên cầm quyền năm 1862.

44. The government claims this is the only way to staunch the annual flow to Germany of hundreds of thousands of refugees.

45. With one other lagging behind ... That's what the Imperial Fists would be seeing, staunch horror in their hearts.

46. The organization, which is known for its staunch opposition to gun control, made the expenditure under Proposition 20

47. Bistort is one of the most strongly astringent of all herbs and it is used to contract tissues and staunch blood flow[254]

48. His stepfather was a staunch opponent to absolutism and open to reforms, thus he supported the Constitutional Movement of 1906.

49. Sultan Iskandar is reputed to have been a staunch disciplinarian, with willingness to occasionally voice personal opinions on governmental issues.

Sultan Iskandar được cho là một người kiên định giữ kỷ luật, thỉnh thoảng sẵn sàng phát biểu ý kiến cá nhân về các vấn đề chính phủ.

50. It is the Blak world that First Nations artists and producers across our nation have taken on with a staunch awareness and humble appreciation