staminode in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "staminode"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "staminode" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "staminode", or refer to the context using the word "staminode" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ronse De Craene uses a degree symbol to mark a staminode (infertile stamen) or pistillode (infertile carpel).

2. Ctenanthe Eichler: Antitropic leaves; corolla tube very short and wide; bracts long-persistent; two outer staminodes slightly unequal; callose staminode distally petaloid and showy

3. Androecial initiation is unidirectional, with a delayed initiation of the adaxial staminode, which may not arise at all in some cases (e.g., Baillon, 1860b, 1862c

4. Five petals, Apopetalous: C (5) Five petals, gamopetalous: Epiphyllous stamens: Epipetalous stamens: A 3: Three stamens free: A 2+2: Stamens 4, 2 whorls: A 10+1: Stamens 10, diadelphous – 9 stamens unite to form one bundle and 1 other bundle: A 0: Sterile stamen (staminode) G 0: Sterile carpel (pistillode) G-Semi inferior ovary: Inferior

5. The androecium consists of ten complex organs, five in episepalous and five in epipetalous position. The episepalous organs are composed of three primodia, which later become a nectary; in the epipetalous complexes numerous primordia originate centrifugally in two zigzag-like double rows, in which the first member develops to a staminode, while the others become fertile stamens (see diagram Fig.