stagger payments (to...) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-chia kỳ trả tiề

Sentence patterns related to "stagger payments to..."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stagger payments to..." from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stagger payments to...", or refer to the context using the word "stagger payments to..." in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He managed to stagger home.

2. The economy continued to stagger from crisis to crisis.

3. They planned to stagger our rehearsing hours.

4. The company might stagger from crisis to crisis.

5. I managed to stagger the last few steps.

6. We seem to stagger from one crisis to the next.

7. Judah’s priests and prophets stagger (7-13)

Thầy tế lễ và kẻ tiên tri của Giu-đa chao đảo (7-13)

8. Their alcoholic beverages make them stagger.

Men say khiến họ chao đảo.

9. Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years.

10. But our ‘root-foundation will not be caused to stagger.’

Dù vậy, chúng ta vẫn vững vàng ‘châm rễ chẳng bị lay-động’.

11. Our management has decided to stagger our working hour.

12. And they stagger from their alcohol;

Và họ chao đảo vì men say;

13. If he should stagger, he shall not fall!

Nếu ông ta loạng choạng, ông ta sẽ không ngã!

14. The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution.

15. U.N. accountants agreed to devise a creative payment scheme to stagger their bills.

16. You've seen someone stagger down that road?

Cậu từng thấy ai đó loạng choạng cuối con đường đó?

17. A diminished Slobodan Milosevic may stagger on for a while.

18. If he should stagger, he will not fall!

Vì nếu có loạng choạng, ông ta sẽ có người đỡ!

19. He left the pub with a drunken stagger.

20. There were so many runners, that they had to stagger the start.

21. The decision appeared to stagger defense attorneys Williamson and Michael W.. Krumholtz.

22. After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help.

23. If he should get drunk, he shall not stagger!

Nếu ông ta quá say, ông ta sẽ không loạng choạng!

24. Blustered is wind and makes enemies easier to stagger (and nerfs their attack)

25. Such installations are usually designed with an angle of stagger $g(a) = 90° because the efficiency falls as the angle of stagger is reduced.