stabilize prices (to...) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-ổn định vật giá

Sentence patterns related to "stabilize prices to..."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stabilize prices to..." from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stabilize prices to...", or refer to the context using the word "stabilize prices to..." in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A program is now in effect to sell some relief food and to try to stabilize prices.

2. The main role is two - pronged policy to stabilize prices, thereby ensuring that low - income housing consumption.

3. · To stabilize prices of pulses and onions, Government has imported pulses and onions under the Price Stabilisation Fund.

4. To stabilize grain market, stabilize price, country for many times from Jilin urgent attune grain.

5. Azerbaijan is expected to expand 1.2 percent and Kazakhstan is anticipated to grow by 2.2 percent as commodity prices stabilize and as economic imbalances narrow.

Azerbaijan sẽ tăng trưởng 1,2% và Kazakhstan sẽ tăng trưởng 2,2% nhờ giá nguyên vật liệu ổn định trở lại và mất cân đối kinh tế được thu hẹp.

6. They are eager to stabilize currencies.

7. GHG emissions to help stabilize the global Climate

8. • Stabilize ABCs before transport begins

9. I've given her cortical analeptics to stabilize her condition.

10. The tumors regressed and then they appeared to stabilize.

11. Your interest in exporting natural gas and intention to export to non-FTA countries, even if just agreed upon, would help stabilize internationally-traded LNG prices which are at historic highs.

12. We must stabilize the damping field.

Chúng ta phải thiết lập trường giảm xóc.

13. Dextrin can be added to the solution to stabilize the precipitated product.

Dextrin có thể được thêm vào dung dịch để ổn định sản phẩm kết tủa.

14. Last ten days trying to devise way to stabilize frame, he wrote.

15. The Curtsy Lunge is a great exercise to stabilize your hips

16. Although her illness is serious, her condition is beginning to stabilize.

17. Method for providing control power to stabilize an alternating current network

18. Beet helps you optimize, stabilize, and predict.

19. The goal is to strengthen and stabilize field and branch organization.

Mục tiêu là giúp cánh đồng và chi nhánh được vững mạnh và hoạt động tốt.

20. Ankle ligaments, which connect bones to one another, stabilize the Ankle joint

21. It's possible if you stabilize the quantum flux.

Sẽ khả thi nếu ông ổn định thông lượng lượng tử.

22. Ancient and well-established episcopal churches tended to stabilize subsequent urban development.

23. To stabilize, add 1 ml concentrated sulphuric acid per litre of solution.

24. The exercise allows you to move and stabilize muscles in the movement.

25. The Archean Eon marked a time when Earth’s climate began to stabilize