slight in Vietnamese

@slight /slait/
tính từ
- mỏng mảnh, thon, gầy, mảnh khảnh, yết ớt
=a slight framework+ một cái khung yếu ớt
- nhẹ, qua loa, sơ sài; không đang kể, mong manh
=to have a slight cold+ bị cảm nhẹ
=to make a slight inquiry into something+ điều tra sơ qua một việc gì
=there is not the slightest excuse for it+ không có đến một lý do rất mong manh để bào chữa việc đó
=a conclusion based on very slight observation+ một kết luận dựa trên một sự nhận xét rất qua loa
=to take offence at the slightest thing+ mếch lòng về chuyện không đáng kể, hơi một tí thì mếch lòng
danh từ
- sự coi thường, sự coi nhẹ, sự xem khinh
=to put a slight upon a branch of study+ coi nhẹ một ngành học
* ngoại động từ
- coi thường, coi nhẹ, xem khinh
=to slight one's work+ coi nhẹ công việc
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-yếu ớt

Sentence patterns related to "slight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slight" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slight", or refer to the context using the word "slight" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Slight upward trajectory.

2. Slight upward angle

3. Slight deformations are allowed.

4. Slight deformations are allowed

5. That's a slight astigmatism.

Nó hơi bị loạn thị.

6. You're running a slight fever.

Cô đang lên cơn sốt nhẹ.

7. I have a slight blackout.

Tôi hơi mất cảm giác.

8. She has a slight limp.

9. A slight breeze was blowing.

10. I made a slight miscalculation.

11. You have a slight tonsillitis.

12. I have a slight cold.

13. I've got a slight headache.

14. You see, you're slight, pale, sickly.

Cậu thấy đó, cậu gầy, tái xanh, ốm yếu.

15. The hollowness in slight of hand.

16. His mouth gave a slight twitch.

17. She had a slight Australian twang.

18. The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.

19. Jeff spoke with a slight stammer.

20. That sounds like a slight exaggeration.

21. He gave a slight, sad smile.

22. Slight pall over the happy ending.

23. He's always had a slight stammer.

24. The salve will heal slight burns.

25. Doctor: You have a slight tonsillitis.

26. McKinnon gave the wheel another slight nudge.

27. Her voice had a slight Australian twang.

28. I woke up with a slight headache.

29. Slight increase in speaker and headphone volume.

30. The woman suffered shock and slight bruising.

31. 13 The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.

32. Augustine's works] reckons Cursing among slight sins

33. Angiosperm abundance shows slight signs of disturbance.

34. The two departments have slight functional differences.

35. She said to him with slight irony.

36. The picture was at a slight angle.

37. His slight still sticks in my craw.


39. Slight fat cover, flesh visible almost everywhere

40. There's a slight chill in the air.

41. She smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.

42. There's a slight tingle in my wrists.

43. “Rafters,” by a slight correction; M, “walls.”

44. A slight thing she is, but fearful!

Mảnh khảnh mà đáng sợ quá!

45. Share prices have taken a slight dip.

46. The X-rays showed some slight abnormality.

47. A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.

48. The table is at a slight tilt.

49. Breezes: a slight or gentle movement of air.

50. Natalie was born with a slight speech impediment.